Monday, April 25, 2011

The Honeymoon Phase, Really?

The wedding day was perfect! It was more than I ever dreamed of.  All of the work, sweat, tears, and money that went into the day was well worth it.  Not one dollar was spent in vain.  We can't say enough about the wedding day.  The day my husband stood in front of 95 guests and cried like a baby exclaiming his love for me.  When I think about my wedding day I am still in awe.  I was already His Heart & now I'm his His Wife.

So now we've entered into the honeymoon phase of life. You know the period of marital bliss. The best time in your life. Euphoria. Everybody calls, texts, or asks "How is Newlywed Life treating you?",  "Is it any different now that you're married?",  "When are the children coming?",  "How was the honeymoon?", and 50 million other questions.  I smile and say "Married life is treating me good".  I'm not lying.  Life is treating me good & I'm married.  So why do I walk away feeling like a fraud?

Because 6 weeks after we said "I do" I felt sad. I mean real sad. It started when the honeymoon was over. Work was calling me from my honeymoon suite so it wasn't the working, it was just the slap in the face reminder saying "Zena, life is no Fairy Tale (or crystal stair)!" There's really no difference.  It's the everyday grind in married life that it was in the single life and in the shacking up life.  No bells and whistles.  No more mind blowing sex than before.  Even though now it does feel a little better having mind blowing sex that is pleasing to God lol.  But this sadness has me worried.

So I did what I probably do best. I went to Google and started researching "Post wedding blues", "after wedding depression" and anything else that could sum up my feelings.  You'd be surprised how common it is for brides to feel post-wedding blues.  I can't remember the numbers. I just walked away screaming inside. I'm not crazy. This is not a sigb of doom on my life or marriage. Now I know exactly what's going on and I have no reason to be ashamed!

There were a couple of obvious things.  I did not want to go back to work after the honeymoon. Let me be real. I love my career. I love my clients & I love my job (even with the excess paperwork) but I would much rather stay at home & not work! If finances weren't an issue, I would work a few months each year. That might be another topic "the working wife". But that's probably only 35% of my problem. I'd bet 50% of my "blues" came from being sucked into a dream world. My "perfect" wedding day set the bar real high and raised my expectations of life. Dealing with the bullcrap in life, the other 15%, proved perfection is far out of reach. The same issues that loomed over my head are right here. And hence, I have my moments of sadness. I can deal with it. Our marriage can manage it. I just wish somebody would have warned me about this part of the honeymoon phase.

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